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4 Ways to Make Your Home "Spark Joy"

Kat Sellis, MBA

Kat and her team are hard working agents with Real Brokerage, in beautiful East Bay of Northern California surrounded by Napa Wine Country, San Franci...

Kat and her team are hard working agents with Real Brokerage, in beautiful East Bay of Northern California surrounded by Napa Wine Country, San Franci...

Mar 6 3 minutes read


In the days of Marie Kondo, Hygge, along with so many other methods to keep your home tidy on Pinterest, it can be easy to get lost and end up with your home being messier than before. 

Take a page out of this couple’s book who started doing these 4 things and finally achieved the zen, tidy space they were after. 

Spoiler alert: It only takes a few minutes each day.

Tackle the Laundry

Raise your hand if you have a chair where all of your laundry goes... 

Letting your laundry pile up is one of the best ways to ruin your tidiness. If you start by not putting away one shirt in the morning it's easy to let yourself pile your clothes throughout the week and then move onto leaving a full-fledged laundry basket untouched. Try the Konmari Method style of folding clothes that allows you organize drawers like a pro. 

If your goal is a tidy home, break your habit of not putting away your clothes right as they come out of the dryer. You'll feel better instantly!

Link to Folding Video


Don't Over-Decorate

The most common way to make your home feel untidy. If each inch of surface space is covered with decor you're more likely to feel overwhelmed and let things pile up (like your laundry). 

Here is your chance to embrace some minimalism and tidy up at the same time. Take a page out of Marie Kondo's book and ask yourself "does this bring me joy?" when assessing what to keep and what to remove from your space.


Make Your Bed

This one seems insignificant, but this small change can set you up for success. If you take the extra 5 minutes to make your bed you'll feel more productive and make your whole bedroom look tidier. Now, take that productiveness to the next level and conquer the rest of your mess!


Leave Your Sentimental Items for Last

They learned from the Marie Kondo that it's best to start small when it comes to tidying up. Start with easy things first.

1. Clothing

2. Books 

3. Papers 

4. Miscellaneous

5. Sentimental items are always last! 

If you start with the hard stuff like memory boxes that could send you down a rabbit hole that you may not be able to get out of..

How to Organize Your Treasure Box 



When going through anything in your home whether it be clothes, souvenirs you got while on vacation, or home decor our advice is to create three piles: keep, donate, toss. 

This will help you sort through your belongings and have a dedicated space for each item. When you're done, you'll know exactly what to do with everything.

For even more tips and tricks on achieving a tidy home, head over to Marie Kondo's website.

Need More Marie Kondo?

Tidying May Not Be Enough

All the cleaning and tidying can't fix a space that's too small. If you're knee deep in clothes and dishes, it may be time to upgrade your home.

Let's Get Started